Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Bruised fruit of the Reagan Revloution

And on the 8th day Reagan said let it be Morning in America and it was. I liked Ronald Reagan he was a great leader. So we start the 1980s with slogans like " Government is the problem not the cure." " Deregulation will unshackle free markets. " and of course " USA,USA" This was also the beginning of talk/hate radio. Hello Mr. Limbaugh, and born again Christians praying to Jesus for a tax cut for the rich so rising tides will lift all boats equally. My MY but it was a grand time for propaganda.

It was also the beginning of turning economics into a moral issue with the creation of the Conservative vs Liberal scam which has made the aforementioned Mr Limbaugh and his kindred very wealthy. Let me state for the record. Supply side economics, the Savings and Loan bailout and the present Wall Street Bailout. Never has been, is not now, nor will be in the future a Conservative or Liberal Issue.

Since 1972 when this country went off the gold standared. It has been about defrauding the American taxpayer. Forget about blue collar, white collar and welfare queens. That has been propaganda to keep the attention off of the Multinational corporations and the Wall Street Banks. I would like to remind my Conservative and Republican Friends that ever since 1970 this country has been run by the Republican party along with the every businessman's friend Bill Clinton. The exception being Jimmy Carter who tried to restore some integrity back in government and we all know how we he was scorned for his effort.

Conservative and Liberal issues are Abortion, Legalizing drugs , Gay rights and Prayer in schools. Economics have nothing to do with those issues. These are issues that are decided by people based on their religious and moral beliefs or lack therefore of. One only has to look at the over crowed courts and prisions to realize there is a significant number of people in this country who have no morals at all.

In 2009 there will be a war going on in America. It will be a war of Propaganda vs Truth. The Republicans are going to try and hold on to whatever shreds of belief they still have in Reaganism but it will not work as it was all a scam from the start. When Rush Limbaugh and Joe the Plumber are the featured speakers at the Republican party's annual convention you can see how far the mighty have fallen.

This will be a sideshow though compared to the propaganda offense Big Business is going to be putting on. There was a small sampling of it during the football season this year. Howie Long in his Chevy Silverado sneering at the owners of Ford and Toyota trucks and telling them they were not real men . Remember GM sells lifestyle not quality.

It will get very nasty as the year goes bye. The Big Advertising agencies will be turning out all kinds of media warning YOU about the menace of Socialism and Liberalism. Big Business is going to push the game of divide and conquer as far and as hard as they can. If the American people really realized how the Upper Class in this country looks down in disgust at the rest of America they would be shocked.

In the end though Barack Obama and the rest of us little people will win because the culture we have created in America is unsustainable and we have run out of money to sustain it. A page of history is being turned and a whole new way of life is going to happening. Ironically it a way of life that is going to be alot like the 1970s. Welcome to the future past.

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