Friday, March 27, 2009

Rush to Limbo or the Fatman Cometh

Rush Limbaugh was getting quite a bit of press a few weeks ago it was disturbing to see what passes for leadership in the Republican party genuflecting and apologising to him for any unkind word or thought they might have said or thought about him. Considering that Mr. Limbaugh is a master propagandist who has legion of Ditto Heads dancing to what ever tune he calls. I hope the Republicans like to dance in 2012. Let us leave Mr Limbaugh for the moment high atop the E.I.B. building.

Fresno California there has seen a staggering increase in tent cities springing up in the metro area. The people in these tents are not drug addicts or alcoholic bums. These are people who were living large and lost their jobs and then lost everything else. These are not welfare bums sucking off the systems. These are educated skilled people who hit bottom fast and have nowhere to live. In these tent cities one of the biggest problems is no toilets no running water and prostitution. This is important because this is how epidemics start.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is asking the federal government to step in and do a Katrina type rescue of these folks. This because the state is broke. This scenario is occurring all over the country in the major cities. What happens in seven months when winter sets in or this summer in the southern cities when the temperature is unbearably hot.

What happens if all the cautiously optimistic economists are wrong and the economy does not start to create jobs and restart consumption. What if there are more job losses, foreclosures and auto repositions. We all know what a gamble President Obama is taking by pumping a Trillion dollars into the economy. Inflation could be running rampant in 12 to 18 months.

The interesting part is unlike 1972 when we went off the gold standard and Richard Nixon pumped three billion dollars into the economy those were real paper dollars. In 2009 it is digits on computer screens not real money that can be spent for food clothing and shelter.

What we have is the potential for a tremendous amount of anger and desperate people who do not care anymore about politics. People who played by the rules and worked hard and were cheated by the Wall St. Smoothies who cashed in their 401ks for them and took the money, who gave them mortgages to buy houses they could not afford, and credit cards they could not handle. people who feel they have nothing to lose.

This is where Rush Limbaugh comes in. Rush is already trying to focus the anger and desperation on President Obama. With the party of No., Excuse me I am being a bore. I mean the Republican party. He is trying to derail the efforts of the very people who are actually trying to to something real about the problems instead of sputtering on about the road to socialism.

The real danger is the man behind Mr. Limbaugh. Karl Rove, do not not recognize the name,no surprise he has worked very hard to stay in the shadows. He was Bush the IIs most important adviser who along with Dictator Dick Cheney started a war for profit and deregulated the commercial banking industry until it went bankrupt.

Over the next 12 months I believe we will be moving closer to either socialism or a dictatorship . The page of history is being turned and written at the same time. It is going to be a dramatic change as we go from a lifestyle that was unsustainable to a lifestyle that is sustainable. So hold on I have a feeling it is going to be a rough ride.

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