Sunday, February 8, 2009

For all those who missed it the Great Depression again

There have been a lot of comparisons to our present economic condition and the Great Depression of the 1930s and for good reasons. I think there is going to be some interesting variations this time around. One new wrinkle is we are going to see many professional people taking jobs that at one time they considered beneath them. Such as former corporate executives managing a McDonald's. Software engineers working a Internet retailers help desk. Educational administrators teaching in the classroom again. The list goes on in every field. The two fields where the shortage has been most severe, Teaching and Nursing will benefit the most from this.

Another interesting twist will be that the people who were at the top will get a chance to do put all their great ideas for everyone else into real world practise. This would defiantly bring a much needed professionalism and intelligence to lower income jobs. Won't that be fun! The very people who are so smug and sure that the Union Mentality is destroying this country may well find themselves in a union or organizing one.

Thanks to the advertising and marketing [propaganda] folks. We have developed in this country a caste system similar to the one is India. Classism is a bigger problem than Racism it is just less obvious. The new economy is going to be the Big Equalizer which I think in the long run will be a huge benefit to everyone. We are going to be forced to realize we all Americans and are in this together. Any problems with race and class are going to be brought to a crisis point and will be resolved, perhaps not in the positive way we would all like to see. Bottom line is we are all going to have to get along.

The Rush Limbaugh conservatives have been throwing around the word Socialism like it was a witch's curse. What are they so afraid of? I think it has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dog Eat Dog capitalism is not working. Over the next few years the Federal and State governments are going to have to assume more control of peoples lives. This is going to be very interesting to see how much control and what the reaction will be. Who knows maybe the Government Will legalize drugs just to keep everyone stoned and not causing trouble or let Black Water security, the guys who had so much fun in Iraq take over our prison system. The variations are endless.

A very different America is just starting to emerge. it is going to be a exciting and wretched at the same time. I feel we will come out of this Depression as a country free from the propaganda of division and conflict and united in the belief that everyone of us has a place in America that we are not merely economic units but living breathing people who have more to contribute than just our economic value.

Oh by the way . It states in the stimulus bill [spending bill] all projects paid for with stimulus money have to use American steel and iron. President Obama is afraid this will send a protectionist message to our foreign trading partners. I got some news for Mr. Obama

China and Japan have done a tremendous amount of building over the past ten years. Does he believe they used one ounce of American steel or iron or anything else Made in America? What is wrong with rebuilding our American industries that the Capitalists sold off decades ago in the name of profit at any cost.

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