Sunday, March 16, 2008

the worst word you can say in america

The baby boomer's have been up on a diet of success gurus . People who promised us on TV that there was no limit to our potential for creativity, success, and health. From the " power of positive thinking" to Anthony Robbins " program for success" to Dr. Phil McGraw's many books on how to do everything from lose weight to raising your child's IQ . The satellite and cable channels are filled with paid programing to show you how easy it is to have rock hard Abs or the softest skin in America. How to make a fortune on the financial misery of others or how to show them the path to easy richs .

Even the TV preachers have gotten in on the act . Selling DVD and tape packages of their sermons on how to be healthy and wealthy with Jesus. Of course if you believe in the Good book and you somehow became middle class and have the usual medical problems. Your not right with the lord. how confusing this must be for Christians . I mean Jesus promised us he loved us no matter who we were.

The main theme for both these groups and even the main stream media is that there are No Limits. just ask Donald Trump he will tell you there is no limit to how rich he can be. If your a good American success it virtually guaranteed. no sweat.

Unfortunately now that the baby boomer's have reached middle age. Reality has begun to bite. The body begins to break down, and when you look in the mirror , you can see that father time is still winning the race. The fact is everybody has natural limits. physical, mental and emotional. This may surprise some folks , but that is what makes us all unique, it is what makes all valuable. It is the basis of our worth to ourselves are family's and our communities.

in our lemming like rush to all look, talk, and feel the way the Media tell us we should. We deny who we really are. We deny the very individual talents and creativity. That could be the key to our unlimited happiness. Remember when people worked jobs they liked instead of a job that paid the most.

It is in breaking free of the propaganda we are saturated with everyday. It is realizing our strengths and devoting our time and energy to that.Rather than trying and failing to over come our natural limitations. That we will find the potential for the real happiness everyone is looking for.

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