Thursday, March 6, 2008

there is something in the air. could it be revolution

what a ride, primary fever. huge voter turnouts. Florida and Michigan demanding to be let in to the convention. We have two candidates who 6 months ago were considered non-starters. Throw in a economic crisis and you have the recipe for real change or a dictator. What does all this mean?

John McCain is a maverick republican. Who is not tied to the religious right, nor the Nazi economics of the conservatives. A man who is not afraid to challenge his own parties power structure. The problem with McCain is here is emotionally and mentally invested in a mindset that is now unsustainable. I am afraid Mr. McCain still lives in a world where America can bully the world with its military, use all the resources it wants and make someone else pay the real price. and still believes people without shoes can pull themselves up by the bootstraps. God bless John McCain but that world is rapidly disappearing.

Then, we have Barack Oboma . A man who is talking about hope and change. A man whose destiny can not be denied, by the existing power structure. Who if elected, will be telling the country what it needs to hear and the people will not be liking it. Perhaps we will need in the coming Depression a leader we can believe in. When there is no real reason to believe. Barrack is in the same place Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in when he was elected president.

To the baby boomer's the Depression and FDR are stories their parents told them. To our grandparents he was a true hero that kept this country from falling into anarchy. Great leaders appear in great times.

Do not forget Hilary Clinton. Who could be the first woman president in our history. A woman who is a lightening rod, for either mad enthusiasm or red hot rage. nothing in between. Compared to her two oppents she is virtually a moderate. What kind of change would she bring?

Hilary and Bill Clinton could finish what they started in 1990s, They had an exciting vision for America, perhaps the people are finally ready for it.

Hilary and Barrack can fight all they want but in august at the convention . They will become the Democratic ticket . In this reality show, media driven campaign. That has more statistics than NFL football and is playing in stadiums and auditoriums all over America. These two are fighting hard for every vote, but I can not help but think .
be careful , what you ask for . You just might get it.

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