Sunday, March 30, 2008

oh what fun we have when first we start to campaign

What a campaign! This is the first time since 1968. I have seen this much emotion in a presidential campaign. forget about the dirt everyone is digging up. Look at the attitudes, and the huge story that is being created. That is catching the news miesters by surprise. As hard as CNN and Fox working trying to create story lines. Reality is going in the opposite direction. Much to the chagrin of talking heads who are trying so hard to brain wash their viewers.

The image that the corporate media is trying to create. Is being torn apart every time the candidates speak directly to the people. My question is which candidate will still be talking directly to the people . After being elected and then cloistered , guarded like the Mona Lisa. Now the candidates do not use prepared speech's, or if they do they memorize them. Will it be the same soft shoe? when they are speaking directly from the oval office.

Up until now it has always been two or more old white guys droning on with the same old tired platitudes. Talking much, but saying nothing. This time around there is a entirely different dynamic. Three people with completely different backgrounds and agendas. This time around it is actually interesting. Mostly because of Americas obsession with putting " good feelings " ahead of reality. The candidates have to try and get the real message across in a way that does not offend anyone or "raise questions" .

Mr.Obama seems to have very sensitive feelings about any criticism . If nominated will he be able to handle the full frontal assaults the republicans will pull. If it is Mrs. Clinton the republicans will be replaying the '90s. Does America want to go thru the Monica Lewinsky scandal again. If the republicans pull this trick will it back fire?

This campaign has created such strong emotions among democrats. Some democrats say they will vote for McCain if their favorite is not nominated. Will they still feel the same way When McCain starts talking about the stain on that old blue cocktail dress? It is a good trick, it will get the Conservative blood boiling all over again.

It is fascinating that thru all the mud slinging and public spats. It still comes down to the question. Do we still keeping investing ourselves emotionally and finically in a national mindset that is unsustainable. Do we continue to squander our human capitol. While we fall behind the rest of the world? Do we keep letting corporate America keep running the show.

Do any of these canadidates really have the will of iron to make real change? Look what happened to the Kennedy's and MLK when they tried. Is this the real question. Do the American voters have the courage to stand behind their man or woman, When the going gets tough real tough. Believe me friends this country has a rough road ahead and who we pick in November is going to be the first choice we are going to have to make in a whole new world.

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