Sunday, March 30, 2008

oh what fun we have when first we start to campaign

What a campaign! This is the first time since 1968. I have seen this much emotion in a presidential campaign. forget about the dirt everyone is digging up. Look at the attitudes, and the huge story that is being created. That is catching the news miesters by surprise. As hard as CNN and Fox working trying to create story lines. Reality is going in the opposite direction. Much to the chagrin of talking heads who are trying so hard to brain wash their viewers.

The image that the corporate media is trying to create. Is being torn apart every time the candidates speak directly to the people. My question is which candidate will still be talking directly to the people . After being elected and then cloistered , guarded like the Mona Lisa. Now the candidates do not use prepared speech's, or if they do they memorize them. Will it be the same soft shoe? when they are speaking directly from the oval office.

Up until now it has always been two or more old white guys droning on with the same old tired platitudes. Talking much, but saying nothing. This time around there is a entirely different dynamic. Three people with completely different backgrounds and agendas. This time around it is actually interesting. Mostly because of Americas obsession with putting " good feelings " ahead of reality. The candidates have to try and get the real message across in a way that does not offend anyone or "raise questions" .

Mr.Obama seems to have very sensitive feelings about any criticism . If nominated will he be able to handle the full frontal assaults the republicans will pull. If it is Mrs. Clinton the republicans will be replaying the '90s. Does America want to go thru the Monica Lewinsky scandal again. If the republicans pull this trick will it back fire?

This campaign has created such strong emotions among democrats. Some democrats say they will vote for McCain if their favorite is not nominated. Will they still feel the same way When McCain starts talking about the stain on that old blue cocktail dress? It is a good trick, it will get the Conservative blood boiling all over again.

It is fascinating that thru all the mud slinging and public spats. It still comes down to the question. Do we still keeping investing ourselves emotionally and finically in a national mindset that is unsustainable. Do we continue to squander our human capitol. While we fall behind the rest of the world? Do we keep letting corporate America keep running the show.

Do any of these canadidates really have the will of iron to make real change? Look what happened to the Kennedy's and MLK when they tried. Is this the real question. Do the American voters have the courage to stand behind their man or woman, When the going gets tough real tough. Believe me friends this country has a rough road ahead and who we pick in November is going to be the first choice we are going to have to make in a whole new world.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

the worst word you can say in america

The baby boomer's have been up on a diet of success gurus . People who promised us on TV that there was no limit to our potential for creativity, success, and health. From the " power of positive thinking" to Anthony Robbins " program for success" to Dr. Phil McGraw's many books on how to do everything from lose weight to raising your child's IQ . The satellite and cable channels are filled with paid programing to show you how easy it is to have rock hard Abs or the softest skin in America. How to make a fortune on the financial misery of others or how to show them the path to easy richs .

Even the TV preachers have gotten in on the act . Selling DVD and tape packages of their sermons on how to be healthy and wealthy with Jesus. Of course if you believe in the Good book and you somehow became middle class and have the usual medical problems. Your not right with the lord. how confusing this must be for Christians . I mean Jesus promised us he loved us no matter who we were.

The main theme for both these groups and even the main stream media is that there are No Limits. just ask Donald Trump he will tell you there is no limit to how rich he can be. If your a good American success it virtually guaranteed. no sweat.

Unfortunately now that the baby boomer's have reached middle age. Reality has begun to bite. The body begins to break down, and when you look in the mirror , you can see that father time is still winning the race. The fact is everybody has natural limits. physical, mental and emotional. This may surprise some folks , but that is what makes us all unique, it is what makes all valuable. It is the basis of our worth to ourselves are family's and our communities.

in our lemming like rush to all look, talk, and feel the way the Media tell us we should. We deny who we really are. We deny the very individual talents and creativity. That could be the key to our unlimited happiness. Remember when people worked jobs they liked instead of a job that paid the most.

It is in breaking free of the propaganda we are saturated with everyday. It is realizing our strengths and devoting our time and energy to that.Rather than trying and failing to over come our natural limitations. That we will find the potential for the real happiness everyone is looking for.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

vegas vapor lock or you had it coming

The word out of Vegas is 5% . As in revenues are down 5% . this is causing quite a panic in the golden city. It seems that the moguls who run the dreamland in the desert are deeply concerned that the endless supply of suckers has dried up. mainly because those suckers were gambling with hallucinated wealth, and reality has come to call.

I find it most amusing that the same people who have been tricking people out of their money for decades. Are now being tricked by the Big Banks who bank rolled all the new hotels that only got bigger and more lavish. Now that the big bank boys have got their fees and commissions. the vegas casinos are holding the bag for hotels that look like holy monuments, that will never reach capacity.

The malls. All over America malls are reporting that stores are closing and pulling out. The stores in question are the ones that sold sunglass and purses . That had mark-ups so high you would have thought the mafia owned them. Oh by the way the cost of floor space at the malls is so high. that small stores like electronics boutique have moved into strip malls and Target builds out in the parking lot because it is cheaper.

Build it and they will come. That has been the creedo for decades, but that is proving now to be unsustainable. Reality is hitting the corporate world harder than it is the consumer. The business model since the 1970s has been sell volume, cost savings thru the economies of scale . it is a good theory but in practice it has a limit.

Which brings us to the big problem. Limits. we have reached the limit of how much profit can be made . Small business people, understand that sales go in cycles , you have good months and poor months . The big corporate retailers of anything from tacos to super wal-marts truly believe profit can go up each quarter, and costs can be cut. It looks like the over paid , pampered executives are in for humbling experinces as they find they are going to be the cost that is cut next. Not to worry they will wipe away their tears with silk handkerchiefs, so it will feel better.

Hang-on to your seats . When gas is four dollars a gallon it is going to change everything . When it hits five dollars a gallon we will be in a whole new reality . Perhaps it will be a reality . That is REAL and not an illusion that the advertisers made-up to sell more beer.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

there is something in the air. could it be revolution

what a ride, primary fever. huge voter turnouts. Florida and Michigan demanding to be let in to the convention. We have two candidates who 6 months ago were considered non-starters. Throw in a economic crisis and you have the recipe for real change or a dictator. What does all this mean?

John McCain is a maverick republican. Who is not tied to the religious right, nor the Nazi economics of the conservatives. A man who is not afraid to challenge his own parties power structure. The problem with McCain is here is emotionally and mentally invested in a mindset that is now unsustainable. I am afraid Mr. McCain still lives in a world where America can bully the world with its military, use all the resources it wants and make someone else pay the real price. and still believes people without shoes can pull themselves up by the bootstraps. God bless John McCain but that world is rapidly disappearing.

Then, we have Barack Oboma . A man who is talking about hope and change. A man whose destiny can not be denied, by the existing power structure. Who if elected, will be telling the country what it needs to hear and the people will not be liking it. Perhaps we will need in the coming Depression a leader we can believe in. When there is no real reason to believe. Barrack is in the same place Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in when he was elected president.

To the baby boomer's the Depression and FDR are stories their parents told them. To our grandparents he was a true hero that kept this country from falling into anarchy. Great leaders appear in great times.

Do not forget Hilary Clinton. Who could be the first woman president in our history. A woman who is a lightening rod, for either mad enthusiasm or red hot rage. nothing in between. Compared to her two oppents she is virtually a moderate. What kind of change would she bring?

Hilary and Bill Clinton could finish what they started in 1990s, They had an exciting vision for America, perhaps the people are finally ready for it.

Hilary and Barrack can fight all they want but in august at the convention . They will become the Democratic ticket . In this reality show, media driven campaign. That has more statistics than NFL football and is playing in stadiums and auditoriums all over America. These two are fighting hard for every vote, but I can not help but think .
be careful , what you ask for . You just might get it.