Sunday, November 1, 2009

when is to much enough or when does it stop

The horrific rape and beating of a 15 year girl at a school homecoming dance last week in California happens with gruesome regularity in this country. What made this one different was the number of people who watched and actually called their Friends to come over and join them. How many bodies are found on the streets of America everyday? How many times are we told it is gang related or drug related and there does not seem to be any difference between the two.

Whenever a crime like this happens our elected repersentives such as the President or the Governor of the state always tell the press that " It would not be appropriate for me to comment on this issue. " Excuse me, I can think of no one more appropriate than President Obama to comment on these horrific crimes. We elected him to lead. The fact is they are never asked by the news media to comment on these acts of Brutality that take place daily on the streets of America.

When will Americans have enough of this Nation running scared of the Big gangs like the Crips and the Bloods and the Spanish Gangs? What if President Obama were to have the National Guard go out and round up all the Gang Members in the country and put them in Detainment Camps? Who would object? These Gang Members have sworn an oath to live by their own rules to take what they want and kill anyone who stands in their way. Why should we let them live among us?

The most disturbing part of this incident was the fact that so many men stood around and watched it and did not find it a horrible event to behold. Has the Prison/Gang culture in the Ghettos of America become so pervasive and normal that this kind atrocity is entertaining? Even the most Devout Atheist must surely look at this incident and find it to be evil.

The day will come when in the name of the People the President of the United States will have to declare Martial Law in our cities and start confining the Gangs in camps away from the rest of society. There will be those who will fight for their rights and file law suits in the courts. They will argue that we are opening the door for a Benevolent Dictator to take over, but I do not agree.

We the People have a right to live in a society where we do not have to be afraid. In a Country where we feel Justice is being served to those who deserve it. When will our elected officials who we have entrusted to protect us start doing their job and stand up to these Gangs of Predators that stalk the streets of our cities? This is not an issue that can be looked at with Academic Detachment it is an issue that has to be faced and action taken Now. Before another teenage girl raped and beaten while her attackers stand by and watch.

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