Saturday, November 14, 2009

Welcome back to the future/or New Century Capitlism

Unfortunately there is a historical shift that started with Henry Ford. The economy of scale. Big Business took over long ago and it is the Goal of the Corporation's with their whore the Federal and State governments to drive out the small business person because the economy of scale is to small with a small business but it is enough to steal the crumbs from the corporate table, and the Modern Robber Barons will not stand for one penny escaping their greedy grasp.

Now our President Barack Obama who is loved every where in the world but America and you can thank the News entertainment Industry for that because The Negative sells. Just ask TV producer Norman Lear the creator of All in the Family the show that started the Nasty Family which ended up giving us Family Ties and Everyone Loves Raymond. TV turning family from Sacred to an object of scorn and ridicule all in the name of profit at any cost.

Traditional Family Values have been turned into a marketing tool along with fear. The Advertising media long ago hired Physiologists to identify fear triggers and the advertisers have exploited those fears in their commercials until we have a public scared to death of germs, bad breath and haunted by the spectre of Home Invasion. The home has been invaded all right , but by the most powerful device ever invented by man The Television.

Back to President Obama he and what passes for Democratic Leadership want to bring universal health care to the 97% of us that are not Wealthy and the Captian's of the Health Insurance are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Rest of Us poor and sick. I have seen in my life time Hospitals go from an institutions that healed the sick and comforted the dying into a Industry that treats the Patient like a mechanic treats a car and with the same compassion.

The Corporate Chieftains keep us healthy enough so we can keep working so they can milk us like a herd of cows every month. I urge all the Free Market Fanatics to look around you have been Had. There are no free markets. The top 3% in this country that control 97% of the wealth. The people at Goldman and Sachs that took home multimillion dollar bonuses this year. To them there is no Liberal or Conservative , There is no Democrat and Republican. To them we are no more than sheep to to be sheared for their profit at any cost. America sliced diced packaged and sold.

One man President Obama is standing up to these People to these Industries and to the Special Interests groups and he is being mocked and ridiculed. The Lobbyists are flying to the offices of our Elected Repersentives like Demons with promises of wealth and power seducing our Senators and Repersentives to feed their greed. Former Senator Bill Fisk a doctor who was a leader in Health Care reform until he retired from politics and now is the Lead Lobbyist for the Association of Health care Companies. From Doctor to Whore. This is what passes for Captialism in the new century.

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