Sunday, June 22, 2008

oils well that ends well/ the real plan

Mission accomplished again. Real President Dick Cheany is working on the last step of his energy plan. Open the American coasts for oil drilling! This is the plan that was worked out 7 years ago when Real President Dick Cheany met with oil executives in an energy summit. It was a closed door summit and what was discussed was never revealed. Even though Congress held a special session to force Dick Cheany to reveal the energy plan. He just flipped them off.

So for the past 7 years we have had an energy plan, but no one was allowed to know what it was. Let us look at what has happened. A war in Iraq. According to Geo. Bush (who, by the way, was not at the secret energy summit), the Iraqis were going to pay for their liberation with their own oil. It has happened alright, but it happened like this. Iraq made a record amount of money selling their oil in the last year, but the profit all went to American contractor Haliburton who has supplied all the equipment and services for a war no one wanted. How nice of Haliburton to set the stage for thousands of people to die on. While they supply all the props necessary at a healthy profit of course.

Phase 2 of the energy plan. Keep all oil priced in dollars. Ron Paul is right since we went off the gold standard. The value of our money has been backed by oil. It is the only currency OPEC accepts for their oil - who said they hate us. What they hate is how well we live. 80% of the Arab world lives in poverty and ignorance, while the sheiks live in unimaginable luxury. That is why the people will kill for Islam because they have nothing to live for.

Phase 3 Gas at 3.00, then 4.00 dollars a gallon. The Saudis have said that oil should not be selling for more than 70.00 a barrel and they have agreed to pump even more oil this summer.This will not help because China and India will suck up the excess. In these countries and Mexico the price of gas is subsidised. Americans are one of the few countries that pay market price thru the nose.

The oil companies are making record profits and Duyba and Dick are after all oil men. Do you really think these two and all the rest of the oil executives care how the average American pays for gas and food. Remember they tell themselves that we will just have to work harder and sacrifice a little more. No problem for the American spirit.

Phase 4 Open both coasts and Alaska to drilling for oil and natural gas. This was the ultimate goal right from the start. The oil companies are not turning the profits towards exploration for new sources of oil because they already know where it is. It is right off of the coasts of this country. The oil companies say they can not build new refineries because of the environmentalists. Believe me they will not build a new refinery until they start drilling in Alaska and off the coasts.

Apparently they did not let Governor Arnold Shartznegger in on the plan because he has said he will fight until the end to prevent the drilling off the California coast. He has further stated and he is absolutely right. That all this is going to do is further our dependency on oil and delay alternative energy solutions, and ruin miles of beaches kill millions of birds and fish when the inevitable oil spills happen. That is why drilling was outlawed in the first place. Because of a oil spill off California in the 1980s. Oil rigs are floating disasters waiting to happen and do eventually . Just ask the Mexicans on the west coast of the gulf.

Everyone knows that the oil companies can not get the oil off the coasts to market for a least five years. That means it would not become gasoline for 5 years. So this national emergency that was created will not be helped. What will be helped is profits. I hope our next president is not a creature of corporate America. Where profit is the only mission.

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