Friday, May 23, 2008

The Bush- Cheney Double Talk Express

Real president Dick Cheney has been to Saudia Arabia twice in the past 12 months to ask the king to pump more oil to help out his old friend the Americans. The king smiled and said NO. The kings answer is the world is well supplied with oil and perhaps his good Friends the Americans should stop driving such big gas guzzling vehicles.

This must have been very hard on Mr. Cheney as he is not used to asking nice for anything.[he demands] and he sure is not used to hearing the word NO from anyone. Not even the Pope. When the Pope was giving his farewell speech at JFK airport in NY sitting right behind him was Mr. & Mrs. Cheney. I guess Dick was praying for more oil. Perhaps he is not wealthy enough yet.

So our President George Duyba himself goes to Saudia Arabia and asks his good old Friend the king to pump more oil, But again NO. So Mr. Bush holds a press confrence where he tells the Press that because of the environmentalists America has not been able to build any nuclear power plants, nor have we been able to drill any new oil, because of the environmentalists. I only have one question does Duyba really believe this or is he just reading it off a teleprompter?

Here is the truth. The reason new nuclear power plants have not been built or new oil fields drilled is this. The companies that want to engage in these commercial ventures do not want to follow the regulations of the the government agencies to protect the people and the environment from the greedy profit is God corporate mentality. Trust me the big oil companies do not have a very good record.

The nuclear power industry has fallen dormant because of the expense of building a safe nuclear generating plant[ask the Russians about this] and the legal liability of disposing of the contaminated waste. Why not send it to mars?

Perhaps it has slipped the minds of the current Republican administration that Government[the people] Regulatory Agencies were set-up [by the people] to protect us[for the people] from abuses of a so-called free market economy.

We all know the answers to the energy situation. We discuss them until our lips are blue . But when are we as a country and a culture going to make a real change for the better. Do we have to wait until the marketing people decide that there is profit in energy conservation before we see real progress. Let us elect a president who can and will change the status quo and stand behind him.

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