Tuesday, January 29, 2008

welcome my son to the machine

Maybe it was the LSD, but I think pink floyd caught a glimpse of the future. Consider this is the earth really over populated or are there to many people and not enough jobs. The government and the corporations consider each individual an economic unit. Children are future economic units. What would happen if machines did all the work? What would the people do?

This may sound like the plot to a sci-fi movie , but consider the following facts. Since 1970 the government has permitted the pill and legal abortion at the same time jobs started moving over seas. Richard Nixon opened china to trade , but what kind of trade? Our jobs?

The Japanese have and will be the world leader in robotic R&D. They are building robots to help care for the elderly.This is ironic since more and more of their industrial production is being done by Taiwan and Korea. In addition they have automated most of their remaining factories. What jobs will be available for the next generation of people in japan?

What about he good old USA. The life blood of our economy OIL is only going keep getting more expensive as it runs out. That means the economy starts to slow, which means we stop building new office parks and shopping malls. What jobs will be available for the next generation of Americans.

What happens when each of us stops being an economic unit. Whose sole purpose in life is to work and consume to keep the machine running. How can we continue to grow our economy when we have consumed all we can. Where will we work. When due to outsourcing or automation we have no jobs? Remember all the gains in productivity the past ten years have come thru having computers do the jobs people used to do.

This will not happen in our life times , but we will see the trend. When people cease to be a economic unit , they cease to be. When we have no money than the machines will have nothing to do either. Then we could stop being economic units and be individuals again. Each with our own attributes which will give us our sense value to our communities. It maybe a slower pace of life? We may all have to work harder, But we maybe alot happier.

Sound like sci-fi. Maybe, but take a good look at the big picture. It may surprise you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republican white Wing agenda has been the saving the grace to this countries future. We Shall overcome, seek, stirke, and destroy you, left wing liberal Dem's posture.

Get off your lazy asses and get to work. This is why our jobs have been out sourced to countries that are in custodialship of the labor resources, demographics, and willingness to work.

Please let us know how the public sector will privatize and employ immagrants from abroad including but not limiting Mexicans with one goal in mind. The church.

How will their tithe affect the closing of Catholic schools, and will the Bishop approach this new work force? How will this affect the infusion of new Roman Chatholics and and the state of the church in this region? Will the imigrants lift the church economicaly or siphon the remaining resouces available to the Diocease.

Lastly, may the Lord be with you.