Saturday, January 19, 2008

to tell the truth / presidential primaries

Back in the Day . there was a TV quiz show called " to tell the truth" . The premise of the show was . There would be a average person , sitting in in front of the 4 celebrity judges. These celebrity judges would ask the ordinary person questions and from the answers try and guess what the regular persons occupation was. It was a pretty good show.

Watching the candidates debates. I am reminded of this old game show. The candidates when asked specific questions give vague answers with a lot of feel good rhetoric. Almost like the viewer has to guess what their position is on the issues. There are a few interesting points to this.

First point. Why do the CNN talking heads moderate the debates? Why do the ask such vague questions? This question was asked of Hilary and Barak last week. " Do you like each other? " . I thought for a minute Dr. Phil was running the debates.

Second point. This is a presidential race built and fueled by emotion. It is fueled by gender, race, and beauty. These are the big questions in the media everyday. " What did Hilary wear at the debate?" " Did Barack smile enough?" " How old did McCain look last night? " This race is all about " Who do you love "

Third point. The candidates are not talking about the real issues . Hilary started to and it brought her to tears. The real issues are pretty depressing. The economy, gas prices, and quality of life . These issues are complex and any issue to complex starts to turn the voters off. The candidates and the media want to keep this simple and feel good. Hey it worked for Ronald Reagan.

fourth point. Why is each state primary and caucus being scrutinized so closely? Because the 24 hour news machines need constant refueling. That is why we are hearing so much controversy over every statement the candidates make. Not what they said, but how they really meant it. Hey is there a Dr.Phil in the house . Just like American Idol. It all about the TV ratings and advertising.

It has been a fun race so far . Like a reality show. Unfortunately this time it is for real and the next president will have to make some tough decision's. Unless Jesus returns and brings a miracle with him, there will be a recession[depression] in the next 4 years. how long and how deep will depend on the wisdom, courage, and more importantly the integrity of the next president.

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