Sunday, August 12, 2007

it is all wrong , but it is all right

Everyone likes to talk about corruption. At one time newspapers made it their main business exposing corruption in politics, labor and business. That was a long time ago most newspapers carry 70% advertising and 30% news taken off of a news service . Investigative reporting is history. Propagandist rush Limbaugh and his cohorts at Fox News like to cry about the liberal media ruining this country, but they are beating a dead horse. The news media is really just entertainment dressed up as the truth .

Literally tons of books have been written by ex-presidents , presidential advisers and cabinet secretaries about what went in their administrations. It is all very revealing and can give you a real insight on how government really works. Ralph Nader has been talking about it for years .

There are plenty of documentaries exposing the injustice and the inequity in our system of government. They are very good and sobering .

I would suggest a different view. We all know big money controls government, but what we fail to realize is that this power is constantly shifting. Real president Dick Cheney and the oil companies are running the show now but there power is slipping. At one time big tobacco money ran the show but that too faded . There are many examples - the railroads , steel and auto industries all had their golden era of buying influence in government .

It is because of the political system we have that the reins of power are always shifting . One industry gets everything it wants and fades, and another takes its place. Our leadership is changes frequently it is this that prevents a dictator from ever taking over . It is the system we have that constantly makes today's champs into tomorrow's chumps quickly . There is no stagnation or inertia in our system of government . The corruption is constant.

Consider this - Richard Nixon was probably just as bad as history makes him out to be. But by abolishing the draft in 1974 he kept us out of a lot of future wars . If this had been done after world war 2 there never would have been the Koren or Vietnam wars. Enlistments for the Iraq war are way down . Because there is no moral justification for us being there. Not having to join the military is a more important right than most people realize.

The next time you feel angry or depressed about government or corporate corruption -remember it is all part of the flow of events that results when the needs and wants of 300 million people are trying to be balanced and served .

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