Sunday, August 26, 2007

the dream martin luther king never had

everyone has a dream . a lucky few get to see their dreams come true . it is ironic that our dreams never come true the way we expect them to. martin Luther king had a dream and that dream has come started to come true but not as Dr king had imagined it.

a recent documentary [beyond the color line ] shows that successful , professional blacks are moving back to the south . Atlanta Georgia is the hub of this migration . wealthy African American professionals are living in expensive , suburban enclaves where the all the residents of these gated communities are black . this is also occurring in Birmingham Alabama . is this what Dr king wanted ?

i would suggest that it is just natural for people to want to live with people like themselves . many inner city African Americans who could afford to move to the suburbs do not . these folks talk about racism being the reason , but is it ? perhaps these folks just like living where they live . does anyone believe in the year 2007 you can force people in America to live where they do not want to ?

it is interesting that when people from India, Asia , the middle east, or Latin America decided to live in neighborhoods together . that is fine . from the 1880s there has always been a china town in new york and San Francisco America has always been segregated by ethnicity . it was an accepted and natural fact . the modern suburbs have been the true melting pot in America . by virtue of common beliefs and values .

another phenomena that has occurred in the past 40 years is that the harder the government has tried to force integration of the schools the more they have segregated the cities and the suburbs . is integration something that can be forced ?

we have all been told since we have been children that it is wrong to label people and stereotype them . this is very good advice but this is the way our brains organize ,store and retrieve information . without this system of mental organization . we would not have the faculties of wisdom and judgment . is it nature or racism . is it really racism or have we just pasted that label on a natural process .

with all due respect to martin Luther king . perhaps his dream has come true , just not the way he expected . perhaps people are happier this way .

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