Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The silence is deafening

I stopped drinking Diet Coke two weeks ago in an effort to lose weight. I could not figure out for the longest time how Diet Pop could make one fat. I mean it is a Diet drink. Until I realized that the Aspartame that is put in Diet Pop creates a craving for sugar that it can never satisfy. So one just keeps drinking more and more. Now that the craving for sugar has been started and not satisfied starch becomes the next best sugar food. What a coincidence that Diet Pop is right there when one gets pizza, french fries and chips. Just a reminder sugar is not unhealthy.

There are many moments of outrage in the story of Aspartame. the first one is that until Ronald Reagan took office the FDA would not approve Aspartame for human consumption. Reagan had to replace the commissioner of the FDA with a new commissioner to get it approved. Oh by the way the new commissioner quit shortly afterward and took a position in the public relations firm that represents Coca-Cola. That must be what they mean by business as usual.

The next outrage is the fact that the chemists and corporate suits knew that Aspartame would create greater consumption of all products containing it. the main drive is to get people to drink beverages with only Aspartame. notice Coke 1 Pepsi 1 this is because the chemists have figured out how to get rid of the bitter taste, so now they are trying to market the old product as a new product.

This is because Aspartame is much cheaper than sugar or corn syrup in beverages, so there is more profit in every can or bottle. Everybody is happy. Except for the nasty side effects and the fact that people are getting fat drinking the stuff.

The last outrage is that the story of Aspartame can be repeated for many of the foods we eat and drink. We see it everyday on TV and the Internet about the problems in our food supply and the additives that are put in. Yet we go blissfully along believing that it is all OK we ate and drank and did not not die so it must be just fine, besides it tastes good and I like it. Isn't that what smokers tell themselves??

There is nothing the average person can do, but it is interesting that we do not even care. We have been so indoctrinated by the advertisers and marketers that we accept what ever we are given and eat it and drink it and never question.

I wonder what it would take before the buying public stopped buying a product it finally realized was unhealthy and possibly deadly?

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