Sunday, November 2, 2008

Shall we take the next step into the next century?

The big election is upon us, people who never voted before are waiting in line for hours to vote early, and the choice has never been more important. I have heard a lot of talk through the years about there being very little difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. Not this time Obama and McCain could not be more different if they tried. The consequences of Americas choice could not be more severe if we make the wrong choice.

Rush Limbaugh Republicans who are addicted to the propaganda on talk/hate radio truly believe that asking wealthy individuals and corporations to pay their fair share of tax's is the first step down the road of socialism. Even after they have watched their 401ks and IRAs melt away they still refuse to acknowledge they have been ripped off by the very people they truly believed were the engine of economic growth. The real howler is that they want to vote for John McCain and lose what ever they have left. Not to worry they will be put out of their misery sooner than they think because under McCain they will have no health insurance and dental insurance will be a fond memory. They will be meeting John McCain in heaven because he does not look like he will survive his first term. Heil Frau Palin.

The Obamites will have their own version of hell to live with as all the different groups of Americans voting for him have very different expectations of what he will deliver. the first item Barack Obama is going to have to deliver is jobs. The economy is slowing fast you can almost hear the tires screeching. The public is going to be scared and angry when the layoffs start and do not stop that includes Joe the Plumber and Joe six pack. They will not care about party policy and economic theory when they are trying to feed their families. Believe me these people are going to be dancing to the music of the man who can give them a job.

The people at the bottom of the economic ladder are expecting a ride up. Unfortunately all they are going to have is more company at the bottom. The kind of socialism Barack Obama is going to be bringing is the New Orleans type where the poor get to live in little trailers provided by the Feds and line up for their food rations everyday. While the contractors and investors have their arms into the trough up to the shoulders. It should be interesting to see how millions of hungry homeless families and indivuals are going to define the word socialism.

Mr. Obama is also going to have to preside over the biggest technological investment and growth in history. We are stepping into a new phase of history and and it can not be stopped or slowed. Since the industrial revolution with the assembly line and the clock on the wall we have multiplied the pace of change with every generation it can not be stopped now.

The choice we face Tuesday November 4Th is to choose to be brought voluntarily into the next century and everything good and bad that is going to bring or we can be dragged in screaming kicking and fighting it. Which will only make it longer and more painful. So when you walk into the voting booth you will be walking into the future or clinging to the past like drowning man. Who ever gets elected hold on tight because the ride is just starting.

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