Monday, August 25, 2008

virtual education the conservative dream

People like to talk about the way it used to be. These people are not always wrong about the past. For the past 4 decades schools have been slowly cutting back on programs for students. Of course this is not the way it is explained. The educational poobahs Have a lot of great new programs to cover up the fact that less education is being provided.

This is happening because of a subtle shift. The idea of public education is a fairly new idea in America. It is only about 150 years old. Public education used to mean the government provided a school and teachers. Your child came and learned, if your child did not learn that was the parents problem and ultimately the students problem.

Over the past four decades and especially Geo Bush's No Child Left Behind law. Schools have now been forced to accept the responsibility for the problem of kids who will not learn. Which is a problem that can only be solved by the student and his family. This in addition to the fact that every student is an individual who is better in some subjects than others. This is a hard fact to accept in an educational system who's mantra is every child can do anything if they try hard enough. I wish that was true. So school districts have tried to implement any program that can be dreamed up so every student can achieve and succeed at something. So we can have equality of outcome.

There is no such reality as equality of outcome. There is only the opportunity to improve yourself and your quality of life, and the lives of your loved ones. It does not matter where you live in the free world this truth does not change.

Let us look into the future. The two biggest expenses for any school district are teacher salaries and the physical infrastructure. Suppose in twenty five years the schools offer all their classes on the Internet. Save a lot of money that way, and deliver the educational product as a efficient and productive system that can be updated quickly and is available to all the people all the time. Sounds good!

What about those people who do not take advantage of the educational service/product being offered by the government free of charge. What happens when we have millions of people who are barely literate? Could these people be the cheap source of labor that will bring manufacturing back to America? We could have are own private Mexico right here. Which means we will also have the gangs, crime and rioting they have there.

There are no easy answers to this problem, It will be interesting to see how this shift in education will play out. This is the fascinating aspect of history. How subtle shifts cause major changes in a society, and what comes next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Virtual education can fill a vital role but certainly not entirely.

Here's one thing we should start doing for greater effectiveness...

No school on Mondays except for those students and/or home-schooling families that want to take advantage of a virtual educational network program those Mondays or anytime.

School will be held, (instead), on Saturdays for all students AND COMPULSORY SATURDAY ATTENDANCE FOR ALL PARENTS,(or suitable guardian), of students with less than a "C" average.

Steamroll the NEA, the bane of American education. Revold against their efforts against school vouchers,charter schools and competition. This will save a tremendous amount of taxpayers money and use what money is available more effectively.

Be aware that Dewey, founder of our American educational system,was a socialist and a first rate big government proponent.

Be aware that without the NEA, no Democrat would be elected President of the USA. That' too much power.
