Sunday, December 9, 2007

pres. bush, workingmans friend/bankers buddy

President geo. bush . has sacrificed his dearly held life long principles of self reliance and personal responsibility . To freeze interests on ARM mortgages to stop the avalanche of foreclosures happening right now, and the disaster that is coming like a train wreck in slow motion.

How did this mess happen in the first place? Well it is simple . The bankers gave mortgages on properties people could not afford . Before we blame the poor for this . Allow me to point out there are millions of white middle class Americans who bought " Starter Castles" with ARM mortgages that were nothing but hallucinated wealth . Well those ARMs are resetting to higher interest rates . The value of the properties did not go up as expected so they can not refinance to a lower payment . Ain't that a bitch.

The bankers in all their wisdom cooked up a new scheme . They took the mortgages and sold the future profit up front , so instead of waiting 30 years for the mortgage to payoff and take the profit monthly . The investors could have it all now. The future profit was sold in units to lots of investors , pension plans , mutual funds , etc. with Bushs Banker Buddies enjoying jumbo size commissions and bonuses. excuse me , This is more hallucinated wealth.

Confused , thats ok . It was set-up that way , like any scam . The republicans are always crying that that big government regulation hurts business.

My friends this is what happens when we let the republicans and their faceless corporate masters run wild . Let us be real . Bush froze interest rates so his banker buddies , So his corporate masters who have bought and paid for his services . Would not go belly up , So the nation would not slide into a depression .

What will the next president do? Will the next president have the guts to stand up to the shuck and jive scammers who talked 10s of millions of people into buying a piece of the American dream they could not afford , But wanted so badly they lied to themselves and became the suckers in the scam. Which i think for most of these people is what hurts the most .

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