Thursday, December 27, 2007

the cost of democracy

Benziner Bhutto was assassinated this week . This is truly a tragic event for more reasons than just her death . A MSNBC reporter for what used to be a free press . Interviewed Mrs Bhutto days before her assassination . in this interview she accused Mrs Bhutto of being responsible for the deaths of all her followers who have been killed or wounded in attempts on her life since her return from exile .

The reporter was very angry and informed Mrs Bhutto that if she had stayed in exile ," These 200 people would still be alive . " Mothers would still have their children and wives their husbands." I was surprised at the rudeness and the biased attitude and the words of the reporter .

Mrs. Bhutto's reply was very true and is a lesson for everyone . " When we cower in fear and are afraid to act with courage in the face of violence . Than the terrorists have truly won . Without firing a shot." Mrs Bhutto gave her life with courage. To cowards who would kill us all if they could.

Is this MSNBC reporter reflecting Americas fear . Have we become as a nation so afraid that we will believe any lie told to us just so we can feel safe , or the illusion of safety.

There has been talk that if Barak Obama is elected president he will never live to take the office . That he will be assassinated just like the Kennedy's and Martin Luther King . I would like to see Mr. Obama because he has promised real change in America . Unfortunately people who have tried to change the system in America have either been killed or had their character assassinated {Bill Clinton}.

Have we as Americans become TV zombies . Have have traded out individuality , the difference that makes people interesting , for a mask of banality . We have become a nation of sheep , who do not care anymore about right or wrong . We just do not want any trouble. We dare not tell anyone they are wrong . Because it gets turned around to were the one with issues . So we just smile and agree with everyone, and become more isolated from what we know to be true. Geo. Orwell was a Prophet . His two books . Animal Farm and 1984 were written as fiction decades ago, but have come true with scary accuracy. what is next ?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bali global meltdown

The Bali global warming conference got off to a rough start last week . to no ones surprise . an interesting position by the Chinese government is . "That Americans must stop living such extravagant lifestyles. ' the Chinese must have forgotten that they burn more coal than any country on earth . That pollution is running rampent in china and killing people at an alarming rate . But the Chinese government claims that's OK because they are a developing nation, and they have a lot of people . one could form the opinion that the Chinese government modeled itself after the Klingon empire .

The American position is just as ludicrous . The American position is that " Severe cutbacks in carbon emissions will damage our competitiveness in the world markets . " How could it do that we do not make anything in America anymore, except babies .

While this debate rages and endless conferences are held in tropical Paradise resorts . Where the attendees are treated like royalty. Who would want that to stop ? The globe continues to warm , the ice in Greenland melts at faster rates than expected and in the driest parts of America [ Phoenix and Las Vegas ] the population continues to swell . Global change continues at its own pace . No matter what we do or do not do .

We will have to adapt . I believe that one trend I will see in my life time is . enclosed living environments. where we will be safe . Where we will go outside occasionally. Just to remember what it was like.

We will be forced into this living arrangement . Because in an enclosed environment everything can be filtered , recycled and conserved . Resources can be managed with great efficiency and cost effectiveness. It will be economically driven.

Consider this. for decades the city of Los angles have issued warnings to people with respiratory illness not to go outside because of the air pollution. Notice how more and more people are developing asthma? It is getting so hot , that even people in the northeast are not going out in the heat anymore and A/C has become just as important as heating in the winter. Does anyone really believe this will get better?

Another angle is this. With so many diseases like TB making a strong comeback. In an enclosed living environment [like prison] you would be compelled to receive inoculations and submit to health screening . Sound like science fiction?So did the mall 50 years ago. It is a short step from an enclosed shopping environment to a enclosed living environment. especially in America where we love to shop. Watch for Blackwater to take over the security of the malls.

It is already happening in japan. Europe will be next. America will be last because we have so much land and resources. But we will eventually adapt to that kind of living arrangement. Remember any form of life that can not adapt to its environment will become extinct. Were to smart for that.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

pres. bush, workingmans friend/bankers buddy

President geo. bush . has sacrificed his dearly held life long principles of self reliance and personal responsibility . To freeze interests on ARM mortgages to stop the avalanche of foreclosures happening right now, and the disaster that is coming like a train wreck in slow motion.

How did this mess happen in the first place? Well it is simple . The bankers gave mortgages on properties people could not afford . Before we blame the poor for this . Allow me to point out there are millions of white middle class Americans who bought " Starter Castles" with ARM mortgages that were nothing but hallucinated wealth . Well those ARMs are resetting to higher interest rates . The value of the properties did not go up as expected so they can not refinance to a lower payment . Ain't that a bitch.

The bankers in all their wisdom cooked up a new scheme . They took the mortgages and sold the future profit up front , so instead of waiting 30 years for the mortgage to payoff and take the profit monthly . The investors could have it all now. The future profit was sold in units to lots of investors , pension plans , mutual funds , etc. with Bushs Banker Buddies enjoying jumbo size commissions and bonuses. excuse me , This is more hallucinated wealth.

Confused , thats ok . It was set-up that way , like any scam . The republicans are always crying that that big government regulation hurts business.

My friends this is what happens when we let the republicans and their faceless corporate masters run wild . Let us be real . Bush froze interest rates so his banker buddies , So his corporate masters who have bought and paid for his services . Would not go belly up , So the nation would not slide into a depression .

What will the next president do? Will the next president have the guts to stand up to the shuck and jive scammers who talked 10s of millions of people into buying a piece of the American dream they could not afford , But wanted so badly they lied to themselves and became the suckers in the scam. Which i think for most of these people is what hurts the most .