Thursday, October 4, 2007

cleaning out the gene pool or police state

everyone likes the police . we think they do a good job keeping us safe from the criminal element . but if the police are such fine fellows why do people always want a lawyer with them when they talk to the police . people with money hire lawyers to mounter the police investigation and hire pathologists to do an autopsy after the police are done . independent labs do a brisk business with people who do not believe the police did a complete job with the forensic evidence.

TV shows like csi Miami are really soap operas of clashing personalities with a murder thrown in and some forensic science . shows like forensic files and cold case deal with " just the facts ma"m as Joe Friday used to say . the police work long and hard to catch criminals . it seems to me that DNA has been as effective at keeping the police honest and curing legal tunnel vision " guilty until proven innocent "as it has been in convicting people who should be in prison for a long time .

what about those people in prison . most states have the three strike law so people who are serving long sentences have earned them by habitual criminal activity . these people are also not reproducing . which is good . if there is a criminal gene it is not being passed on . there is a large African American population in the nations jails men and women . what will the effect be on on the African American population ?

have we made so many laws that it hard not to break the law ? we have the right to own a hand gun , but the law says it has to have a trigger lock and be locked in a gun safe . this pretty much makes it useless for the purpose it was purchased for .

if you have one drink in new york then drive you are legally drunk . same with seat belts . it would seem that the law is making more of our behavioral decisions for us . will we eventually lose our right to make any decisions ? are we moving towards a police state ? how many of us make our choices out of fear rather than hope ?

it will be interesting to watch over the next 50 years with the rapid development and deployment of electronic monitoring devices in our , homes , cars and work and public places . how will our lives will be shaped . we have lived in a machine society for a hundred years . we have become very machine like ourselves . we admire people who are stable and regular . you could set your watch by the time the leave and come home from work everyday . just like a machine we make the most efficient use of our time and energy . at the cost of human relationships and our own spiritual journey .


Anonymous said...

Let me start by getting the name straight, Is it Nuddy boy or Nutty boy. Your not putting down our fine police force are you? I'm a member of the Locust Club of Rochester and we know where you live. Don't be surprised to get a call from me looking for donations late tonight, and every night from hear on at about 3:30 in the morning! We're a fine bunch of fellows, until that is, someone ruffles our feathers! Then we're worst than a swarm of killer bees making honey on a hot Texas day. Anyways, back to my point.. which was.... well I don't remember... I guess I'll just go out back and fire off a few clips from the old 9mm at the neigbhors cat to calm me down Signed, Crusty Sargent

stephy38 said...

You know I am a little sick of the " Self Rightous Cop " syndrome.

I have friends in the police force who are honorable and I commend. But also there are quite a few who undermine the law and seem to fly under the radar with their fellow brethern. And your statement is proof that some men in blue can't be trusted.