Monday, July 30, 2007

perhaps we can not handle the truth

there is a language of lies used in our culture . that we all commonly accept with out questioning to much . my pet peeve is the word " several " . it looks and sounds like the number " 7 " , but it is meaningless because it could be any amount . people us the word " several " when they do not want to tell the truth . like when the garage tells you it will be several hundred dollars to get your car fixed and it will be done in several hours . can't you just feel the rage building up .

this is why people did not like the phone at first . it was the greatest tool for liars ever invented . now, as then you can not see who are you are talking to . you can not read their body language . it is always easier to lie to someone when you do not have to look them in the eye .

this is small potatoes compared to big business . the HMO that tells you they are cutting some services and raising your co-pay to better serve their customers . like simple and compound interest on loans and credit cards .

warranties are another huge lie . have you ever tried to get a company to honor their warranties . root canals are less painful . how about the rebates that never come . these are just a few examples of the lies we have to suffer every day from our corporate Friends .

let us not forget the U.S. government . lying is a rich and long tradition with these guys . the list is so long i will only cite one example . " no child left behind " this would be funny if it was not so sad . children are left behind everyday .

there is a big drug problem in the public schools , but no drug rehab programs in the schools . teachers are just now getting smart boards , class rooms are packed with 32 students . it is sufficient to say the kids have been left far behind .

so we live with the lies everyday . until we are so apathetic and cynical we do not believe much of anything, or anyone . i think that is the real damage . to get a society to the point where you can tell them anything and they just do not care . perhaps we can not handle the truth .

perhaps the contradictions are so great we could not function in society if we did not just ignore all the lies . and try and believe in something better . perhaps this is why we are alienated from one another . we have to build our own personal world , our own personal truth . perhaps we should just go back to burying our heads in the nice warm sand in own personal universe . now isn't that better.

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