Saturday, December 12, 2009

teddys wild eyed conspiracy theories

Consider the following. Is there a connection between the fact that the same year the U.S. Government ended the draft the Big Corporations started sending American Jobs to Mexico and Taiwan. Think about this, since 1974 there has been a constant and persistent propaganda campaign espousing the virtue of self-reliance and personal initiative like it was a religion and the preacher was Ronald Reagan .

Jimmy Carter decided Taiwan was not going to be our friend anymore and that China was going to be our New Partner. Then more of the American manufacturing jobs went to mexico and China. Carter knew what was going on and did his best to help. 1980 Ronald Reagan started his Revolution and Bill Clinton did his best to send the rest of the jobs south with NAFTA.

Then Real President Dick Cheany made a Deal with the Wall Street Smoothies to run the economy into the ground while the price of Higher Education climbed into the stratosphere. But Why?

Think about this. The best way to make sure there are plenty of healthy, smart and eager young men and women stepping up to volunteer to serve in the U.S. Military is to make sure it is the most attractive option available or in a lot of cases Thanks to the much whined about, but starved for cash, public school system there are plenty of young people with only one option, again Military service.

Sound crazy? Where does the Golden boy President Barack Obama think he is going to get 30,000 soldiers to send over to Afghanistan. Well the same place The War Monger in Chief Geo. Bush got the 40,000 to send to Iraq from the millions of under educated and unemployed American youth. It is a good trick no draft riots like the Vietnam war and because of the tremendous advances in Electronic Warfare, casualties low enough that the American Public would tolerate The War for years.

Consider some cold hard facts. It is costing a million dollars a year to keep a Soldier or Soldierette in the Iraq or Afghanistan take your pick as Our Obama has promised to get us out of both Wars. Big Disappointment Our Obama in Washington has Partnered with the Miliatary Idustrial Complex to keep The War going, to a flexible withdrawal date[ more bullspit]. Here is some more BullSpit from My Lord Barack he had plenty of money for the Wall Street Smoothies, plenty of Money for GM who has been selling out the Auto Workers for thirty years, but when it came to Job programs he says, Whoa limited funds. Why? again, to make the Military the most attractive option.

I hate to contradict all the conservative talking heads, but the American Taxpayer is not really paying for The War because The American Taxpayer was Tapped a long time ago. The Feds have been swapping Digital Money with the Military Contractors for since 1991. So why would The War ever stop. it won't because it is a war for profit and and has been ever since the Korean War. President Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex and he was right and he will continue to be right as there is no reason to believe The War will be over by 2012.

It will be interesting to listen to a Nobel Peace Prize winner explain why he has escalated what should have been an Air War into a Surge Ground War. It will be even more interesting to see if Sarah Palin is truly Going Rouge or is just another pretty face for the Propaganda Machine. Stay tuned for the future.