Sunday, July 26, 2009

The strange case of Henry" gatemouth" Gates

I watched alot of the CNN coverage of the Prof. Henry " gatemouth" Gates televised arrest. After hearing our President Barack Obama comment about the Stupid Cambridge police force. I thought it would have been nice if President Obama had let America know his views on race before we voted for him. Not to be outdone the Black Governor of Massachusetts Patrick Deval announced that all citizens should have the right to shout at policemen in their homes.

This is very broad minded of the Governor, though I would not recommend shouting at police officers as I have noticed the police usually will give you all the attention you are asking for when you shout racist slogans at them.

Which brings us to Prof. "Gatemouth" Gates. Why would a man of his so-called educational status get into a racist shouting match with a police officer who is investigating a legitimate burglary complaint. I am usually impressed with educational achievements but it is sad when the Elite act so childish.

My feeling is Prof. Gates wanted to get arrested. He was not going to let police Sgt. Crowley leave until he had a camera ready and he was put in handcuffs. Here is a man who by his own admission has lived in an educational cocoon all his life. A man who has built his Carreer on cataloging and exploiting the stereotype of black Americans, but has never lived the black life himself. Now is his chance to prove to himself and all his African-American colleagues that he is a true victim of Racial Discrimination Finally. The Professor has been awarded many scholarships and opportunities because he is African - American. I wonder why he does not talk about that part of Being Black in America?

Let us leave rhetoric behind for the present and look at those pesky facts. When The police were on their way to Gatemouth's house they called Harvard Campus Police because the house is Campus Housing. When the police got there the good Professor was calling Harvard maintenance to come fix his front door. WHY because Harvard owns the house, Gates just lives in it. So it maybe his residence but it is not his house.

Police Officers generally can not enter you home unless they have a search warrant or you ask them to come in . Which is why the police officer asked him to step outside because Gatemouth was yelling racist slogans at him from his kitchen, two men were reported trying to break in to the house but the police only see one. Where is the other man? If you were a Police Officer would you have been suspicious?

The CNN talking heads were the best though after talking all day about this Racial Incident. The white talking head turns to the black talking head and says " well, I see now this is not a Racial Incident we have been talking about the wrong subject". Then they proceeded to launch into speculation about it being the fault of the woman who called the police and said " Two Black Men " . How this set into motion the profiling that caused this tragic incident. The longer it went on the funnier it got.

This whole incident has shown I believe how the Propaganda Machine works, how our President calibrates his words to start controversy. He knew exactly what he was saying and the effect it would have. CNN ran with it and kept changing the Propaganda just like a scene out of George Orwell's 1984.

We have reached in America a tipping point when it comes to Black and White relations. White people have moved on and are grappling with the real problems of living in the real world of America in 2009. The African - Americans are still living in 1967. Talking about prejudice and discrimination and rights. We all know living in the past is never good. There are going to be more so-called racial incidents and they will be less and less relevant until no one cares at all.

Apolgies to the blues guitarist Clarence " Gatemouth " Brown