Sunday, September 21, 2008

those orginal recipe chickens are coming home to roost

The wall street meltdown that all the Internet gurus have been predicting for at least two years, and been timing it down to the very day the past year has happened. The drive by media of course just discovered this fresh crisis when Bernake and Paulson started flipping out, and went public with the truth. So now we have the 24/7 CNN death watch on wall street, Fox news Nazis are spinning the whole crisis and blaming it on the liberal congress. Which is a real howler.

There are many people responsible for this mess. The list is long it is filled with faceless federal administrators who should have been overseeing all this . The list also includes the CEOs of the banks and investment houses going broke. Who knew all along the Geo.Bush and real president Dick Cheney would bail them out. While all the wall street royalty are getting golden parachutes and blaming everyone else. So their feelings will not be hurt and they will not have to admit failure. The rest of us are watching our houses become worthless and the real dollar value of our retirement funds melt away. What a cruel irony.

A recent poll states most Americans are oblivious to the wall street melt down. The poll also states that is is because it is to complicated for most Americans to understand. Bullspit. The average American understands very well what is going on, but there is nothing the average American can do about it. Everyone is betting on the next president. People who vote and there are many more each election. Know this is very critical choice.

No matter what you may think or feel about Obama and McCain Americas choice is going to really change the future this time. The real answer is jobs. The republicans say the government can not create jobs. Well the Republican presidents we keep electing have helped send millions of American jobs out of the country. How about putting Americans to work.

When are we as a nation and a culture through our elected Representatives going to make corporations and their God-Almighty CEOs understand they do not run this country. When are we going to stand up and make our elected government put Americans first. That's right, Put the people who live in this country who work and pay tax's and abide by the law first. That is the person we should be voting for.

A couple of side notes: Pollsters complain they are having a hard time judging the accuracy of the polls regarding racism in this country because white people are not honest with the pollsters and do not revel how they really feel. My question is. Is that not what we have been trained to do? How many times have white people seen and felt that they have been victims of reverse racism, and could do nothing about it.

Dick Cheney lost in court. The court decided he can not make up the law as it suits him. That he has to make public all his records as vice-president. His argument was that the vice-president is exempt from the laws that govern the president, because the vice- president is actually the chief of the senate. What has this megalomaniac got to hide?

Geo. Bush not to be out done went to court to fight releasing the visitors logs for the white house. He lost, but again the question screams for an answer. What do these men have to hide? We have a right to know!

Monday, September 1, 2008

and the band played on

The 2008 democratic convention was supposed to be a celebration of 46 years of hard work that made Martin Luther Kings Dream real, the nomination of the first African American president. The funny thing about dreams is they never turn out the way we think they should.

I tuned into the democratic convention quite a few times last week.It was like a birthday party where the guest of honor never shows up. Michelle Obama jetted in gave a speech and jetted out again. Barak appeared for a few minutes on a huge TV screen. He stopped by to pick up his nomination. Next time we see him is at mile high stadium. We were all grateful he could spare us an hour. Is this what MLK would have done?

Back to the convention most of the time there was a large and very talented band playing with appearances by many young and popular singers. The convention was very segregated with people who boogied in the aisles and talked about the quality of the buffets at the hotels. What ever happened to hammering out the partys platform?

The segregation went like this . The rich liberals who were there because they believed in principles and something more than money for nothing , chicks for free. They were not as interesting as what was going on the convention hall itself. There was a huge section of Hilary people who were taking a dose of medicine named Barak Obama and they were not liking it. The most interesting dynamic was the white Barak Obama supporters and the African American supporters. Both sides are crazy for Barack, but both have very different expectations of what he is going to do for them. This was not Chicago 1968 where the feeling was it is the people against the establishment. This is 2008 and the feeling is what is in this for me. Funny how people change.

It is easy to understand why Barak skipped the convention. The Democratic party has become the party of victimolgy. It is the party of many different groups who each have one issue. Gay rights, Black rights and anything else you can think of. I got some news for the Democrats, We won the race everyone has their rights and those rights are fully protected by the law. It is time to move on. Barak knows this and the democrats had better know it or they will keep losing elections.

Now John McCain has picked a VP that I think really represents the ideals of the Republican party. The Republican leadership assumes that the only reason that women voted for Hilary is because she is a woman, and that they are so stupid they will vote for any woman, but being extra clever they made her young and pretty so the stupid men who voted for Hilary will vote for her too. It is beyond the comprhension of the Republicans that people really liked Hilary and felt after 20 years of hard work she deserved to be president.

This is so typical of the republicans. All sizzle and no steak. Short term patching instead of long term solutions, slogans instead of truth. when you see the pictures of John McCain and Sarah Palin together it looks like a promo for a network TV show. Old man and young pretty woman. Right now she is McCains arm candy, but who will turn out to be smart , vibrant and witty. There is only one thing wrong with this pretty picture. This is not TV this is real life.

America is going through tough times and it is going to get worse before it gets better. We need courageous leadership and a real change in the way we live and work in America. It will be interesting to see what happens November 4th. Will it be a subtle shift or a major change?