Sunday, April 20, 2008

The terrible texas travasty or nothing is sacred

I can only assume that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights does not apply in the state of Texas. First it was David Korash, and that really was an abomination of our right as citizens of the United States of America. David Korash was a nut and his followers must have been just as crazy to believe his rantings and build a compound in the desert. The point is the Branch Davidans were bothering no one. Our government forced a confrontation where 53 adults and 21 children died. Only in the land of the free.

Now we have the Yearning for Zion people. Where 416 children were taken from their mothers. The state of Texas has decided that everyone on the Zion ranch has to be DNA tested,though no one have not been accused of committing a crime or breaking the law. Thwn the children will be put up for adoption[auction]. I ask Why? I cannot think of any reasonable argument that can be made for this bludgeoning of the civil rights of American citzens. Apparently 460 lawyers could not accept this outrage and our working for free representing the mothers and their children.

The official reason given for entering the the Yearning for Zion ranch is a 16 year old girl called child protectives and reported she was being beaten and raped by her 50 old husband. This girl has not been found, nor did any of the sect members know of her. The latest report is the girl lives in California and has a history of this kind of action.

The Texas police claimed they observed pregnant girls under the legal age of consent. That is why they waged an Iraqi style offensive against people who stood there and sang and prayed. It is worth mentioning that it was only this year that the Texas Governor Rick Perry raised the age of consent for girls to marry in Texas from 14 to 16.

Following the logic of the Texas police, I assume that they will be raiding public housing projects because there are pregnant girls under the age of consent living there. That would be something to see - the Texas police busing teenage girls with their children out of public housing projects and housing them in stadiums.

The question of whether polygamy is right or wrong is not the issue. The issue is how can children be taken from their mothers by force when there is no evidence of neglect, violence or abuse. By abuse, I mean the kind that kills children all over this nation everyday. I have read many stories and I am sure you have too about children whose mothers are drug addicted prostitutes, who live in filthy, dangerous homes. Even after the children are removed from these homes they are ultimately returned to the unfit mother. I can only assume this does not happen in Texas.

This is about people who choose not to participate in our greedy, violent and promiscuous culture. The state of Texas wants to adopt out 416 children to people who will force them to live in a society that has rejected Christian principles. Is the state of Texas going to force their mothers to shop at mall so they can learn to participate in a cycle of consumption we all know is unsustainable? These women know it too. That is why they rejected it.

This is about a police state that suspends the Constitution and the Bill of Rights whenever they feel like it and invent reasons to take away the rights and freedoms of other people [Iraq]. This is a creed Geo. Bush should be comfortable with.

Why are the presidential candidates not talking about this issue? Because they already know the truth, our constitutional rights are an illusion. The reality is we have very little freedom and if you choose a different path it will not be tolerated. Remember Friends - those famous words, "I am from the government,I am here to help."

Friday, April 11, 2008

oils well , that ends well

4.3 billion barrels of oil in North Dakota. that is a lot of oil. Happy days are here again. GM can start up the Humvee assembly lines again and Ford can start designing the Ford expedition XL [extra large]. Industry will thrive again [what industry the factory is in china now]. We will not have to wait fifty years to feel the effects of global warming. We can have it much sooner. How American! Hey but do not let me spoil the party . This is good news.

It is good news because it could give us breathing room. America could get out of Iraq, and we could tell our good Friend OPEC [terrorists] They can shove their oil up their nose. While this may all be fun to talk about. We miss the real point.

We could move out of the oil age and into the new age of alternative energy. we could get the railroads running again. Trains would be an excellent place to try new technologies. This big oil strike could be part of a ten year national effort to find new technologies. Perhaps we could put off that space trip to mars for ten years and use NASA to help find a way to use the full light spectrum for solar energy. which by the way may help them get to mars.[why mars?]

Which presidential canadidate would be able to persuade the nation to change a life style that depends on cheap oil.To a lifestyle built on conservation and thrift. A economy that is based on consumer spending is unsustainable. Our Chinese Friends will find this out in about thirty years when every Chinese cit zen is living Beverly Hills lite. Would John McCain sell the Chinese our oil? To keep them as happy as the are with Geo Bush and company.

Which presidential candidate can forge an alliance with central and south American[oil rich] . Instead of treating them like slave colonies. Bill Clinton tried and the Big Corp Boys screwed him and the American worker, white and blue collar.I did not personally believe there was any cheaper labor in the world until the Chinese discovered Africa .The Chinese are building industrial factories in Africa and treating their African employees as associates.Look and see this is the future of industry.

If the next president could fashion a real power alignment between north and south America. We could rule the world again Along with Europe. We could help the free world step into a new reality. Which by the way the Japanese are living right now. Looks like the really did win the war in the end. Oils well,that ends well.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

the russian bear or fear of flying

Vladimir Putin was giving George Bush a lesson in politics this week. Comrade Putin made it clear there would be no return to the cold war, that there is no ideological differences between America and Russia anymore. This is wonderful.

I am afraid what our President is missing is that Russia wants to become part of NATO. This a natural realignment of world power. There are two huge aggressive forces in the world right now. that is Islamic fundamentalism and China. Neither shares any history or christian values with the west. Russia could be a powerful Friend against these two forces.

Russia has been selling Iran alot of nuclear technology and the right people to go with it. I think Russia is beginning to see that was a foolish thing to do. The Islamics have not forgotten the war in Afghanistan nor the wars of liberation that were fought in the old USSR satellites that were Islamic. Comrade Vladimir is beginning to see that that nuclear sword can cut on both sides of the Ural mountains. Hopefully our next president will see this and welcome our old allies from WWII back into the European family.

Let us not forget our Friends the Chinese. Whose name in America is pronounced Wal-Mart. Whose expanding economy needs oil and arable land more than anything else. China fields a 200 million man army and plenty of hungry people. Mother Russia has both oil and lots of good land for growing all the food bought from the USA. When the price of fuel to transport all that grain from here to there gets to expensive to make a profit. There will be alot more hungry angry people in China. Russia will then find out who the real enemy is.

Northwest airlines raised their prices significantly this week, especially for international flights. All the rest of the airlines are sure to follow. The sky rocketing price of oil is the official cause and It is a problem that is going to get worse not better.

I am somewhat skeptical . Even when was oil was cheap. The airlines were cutting back on maintenance personal and service people. They admitted that the had accidentally spent all the money in the pension funds so there would not be any, and oh by the way their top executives were making salary's and bonuses that made the Bear Sterns people jealous.

The airlines were deregulated in 1979, and they have been going down hill ever since. Flying used to be a pleasant experience Americans looked forward to. Now in 2008 it has become a nightmare that Americans dread.

The problem is two fold. The first is Profits by any means necessary. The second is Americans have come to believe for no logical reason Cheap air travel is a Right. Americans are outraged that they can not fly to Miami for 99.00. Americans are incensed because they have to wait so long in airport terminals. because they have to fly as cheap as humanly possible.

The price of oil going way up is the best thing that could happen to the flying public. Simply because less people will fly. Flights will be on time, it will be much safer and hopefully on schedule. This is the first step into the new reality that expensive oil is bringing to the world.