Sunday, November 25, 2007

the return of civility or policticaly correct speech ?

I for one am glad to see a return to civility in the work place . Over the past 5 years there seems to be a new trend in the work place that has extended into our private lives . this is a trend where no one says anything negative about anything . It is all positive and morale building or one says nothing and changes the subject to the weather .

let us turn the clock back to 1970 . The popular feeling was " tell it like it is , be real " this was originally meant be real about civil rights and women's liberation , phony materialism and the military industrial complex . I know pretty weighty issues . I am not surprised the baby boomer's left these behind . Unfortunately these issues did not go away .

These issues mutated into some serious problems . we now have a uncontrollable pornography problem all over the TV and Internet . We have taken phony materialism to the point where are country is broke and in hock to the Chinese and Arabs , and the military has tuned into the presidents private army regardless of what the American people want . But hey all that is depressing . Lets talk about that LCD TV were getting for Christmas .

I find it ironic that in 1974 . playboy and penthouse were sold from displays next to the cash register . Fast forward to 2007 . Brown paper wrapper in the mail . Public school teacher gets caught reading playboy magazine . Whoa now he is a predator . We have a ocean of the sickest porn on the Internet that we have been unable to stop , so we condemn and vilify playboy and penthouse . The cleanest of all adult material .

Telling it like it is and being real while it might be depressing and burying our heads in the nice warm sand easier . While this mindless smiling and being infinitely agreeable makes social intercourse more pleasant . We should move to the next phase and start discussing real issues and solutions . Then move to a even higher level . Do something .

There are endless seminars , workshops and think tanks . All that happens is talk more talk and even more talk , but no action . We all need to get involved in the political process . By that I mean vote . Just vote . Stop saying " I am just not into politics , it is not my thing " . Vote for your ideals , vote for what you believe in . This is our country and our culture . Let us use all that positive energy and winning attitude to make a real difference . Let us be passionate about our nation and where we are going . Let us stop looking in the mirror and look out the window , There is a big world out there .

Sunday, November 18, 2007

thats got to hurt

It is going to be tough going forward to deal with the fact that America will not be the most powerful nation in the world . It is our own fault of course . one of the main reasons the roman empire fell was because it hired mercenary armies to fight its wars . the mercenary armies eventually attacked Rome .

We have done the same thing with our industries . We have farmed out our R&D and manufacturing to the nations that hate us the most China ,Japan and Korea .Now we are dependent on these countries for everything except our food . Please do not believe that Japan has forgotten what we did to them in WWII or that they and China will place Americas prosperity ahead of their own .

we have allowed capitalism like fire to consume everything there is to burn . when oil is priced in Euros . We as a country will be like a guy who has gone bust and has borrowed every nickel he could, mortgaged anything he could. There is nothing of value left to sell . Because no one wants used goods . just the latest and greatest .We have to face the fact that the party is over . so where do we go from here .

Well , I think that it will be good for us as country . we will get back to basics . no matter how much the advertisers will try and hypnotizes us into buying all those Chinese goods . the reality of buying gas for the car to get to work , putting food on the table and heating/cooling our homes will be sucking up our extra money .

perhaps we will forsake phony materialism and start to look for something deeper , more meaningful and lasting .
I hear so many people say they could not possibly live without [fill in the blank] . people are going to be surprised what the can live without . perhaps we will not have to engage in neurotic dramas . We will have real crisis to face .

I believe that all this will make us as a culture, nation and individuals . much wiser and stronger . In 50 years we will probably be the most powerful country in the world again .

Monday, November 5, 2007

gas pump gastapo

Last month I was asking people this question " If oil is 90.00 a barrel . why isn't the price of gas going up ? " most people just shrugged . well reality is creeping in . the price is starting to go up . speaking of reality and i know it is a delicate subject in the land of plenty .

Geo. Bush announced at a press conference. that the price of gas is to high and that he was going to work to bring down the price of gas for the American people . this is where reality comes in . the American people may not understand the oil situation , but the people who produce oil do and they know that we have reached peak oil production . going forward, demand is going to be higher than supply. it is inevitable that the price of oil and gasoline are going to go up .

no one has ever been able to break the law of supply and demand for long . Not even Geo. Bush . Reality always comes in to balance it out . Speaking of balance . The oil companies despite their carefully groomed public image . Have not been investing in new drilling equipment , refineries or people to do the work . It is such a drag on the balance sheets .

Putting all this together . How than do the oil executives find new profits if there is not as much black gold coming out of the ground ? The answer is simple . Short the supply . Make sure it is readily available but keep inching up the price . See being an oil executive is easy .

The American public shares some of the blame though . We all knew this was coming . Did we demand our government do something besides talk about the dependency on foreign oil problem ? Did we demand any steps towards real conservation of resources ? Do any of the politicians running for president have the guts to talk about the harsh realities that are coming in the next 5 years and what we are going to have to do and what we will have to "this is the delicate part" Sacrifice . The answer is a very loud NO .

It is going to be a very interesting future . the politicians like to talk about the innovative spirit of the American people . Well we are going to need all of that and a lot more . Most of all we are going to need elected repersentaives who will be able to make the tough decisions and make them work . We are going to have to realize we are all in this one together . Weather we like it or not .